Monday, February 20, 2012

About Maureen Yates

"They" say that Maureen Yates can't beat the 6th district Republican incumbent Peter Roskam. This is utter balderdash. Here's why

"They" say that Rostram will "crush her" in the general election; that she can't be elected.

Hell, Rostram barely beat the one-legged female Iraqi war Vet with very little experience at anything outside of the military, Tammy Duckworth (who, quite frankly, ought not to be a viable candidate of "the left" because she is U.S. army through and through, and she fully understands that the U.S. army is fighting a very serious war against a very well-armed and very serious, and very deadly opponent:  the U.S. Air Force.  THAT war is being waged over the defense $$'s.  Who's a-gonna' get them big ole, bad ole, war bucks? To the victor, belongs the spoils, so, if Tammy is elected, it'll be good for the army (maybe not so good for the Air Force). But Tammy does not want to discuss the U.S. Defense budget, which is more than THE REST OF THE FREAKIN' WORLD COMBINED spends on defense.  WTF is up with THAT?

We have DARPA inventing weapons systems for enemies we are going to possibly fight 50 years down the road.  The only enemy that will be well enough equipped to fight THAT battle, of course, is the illegitmate bastard state of Israel, conceived as a sop to all the 6,000,000 Jews that Hitler had killed, and the world's palpable silence at what was going on - (the Roman Catholic Church in Rome was QUITE silent on the matter).  BUT, those crafty Israeli's - they have so many citizens with dual U.S. - Israel citizenship that they can steal and pass along U.S. military secrets to Mossad (which indeed is done).  Only in America could we delude ourselves of the importance of having all these ever more sophisticated, ever more complicated weapons systems that, when the time comes to use them comes, and should one of them go haywire, the rest will burn down as surely as Old Ben in the movie "V for Vendetta."

So, Rostram is vulnerable to a candidate with a compelling back story. This is crystal clear.  How compelling is the back story of my favored 6th Congressional District Democratic Candidate Maureen Yates?

Note well Maureen's story.  Follow the arc of her life.  Look at the things she has been committed to.  Tell me this woman's entire life's history has NOT been geared for having her ready for THIS MOMENT to serve her fellow citizens as an elected offical.  Go ahead.  Try to tell me!  Read it and WEEP - we don't see this kind of human being both in our midst and ready to serve as a politician.

About Maureen Yates: Community Servant 
A Candidate Clearly Destined to Serve in Politics
(in the Illinois 6th US House District)

Born in England to Irish parents (knows what it is like to be the child of immigrants)

Nazis bombed her home city as a child during the second world war in the outskirts of

(As a civilian, your views on war change depending upon whether you will be doing
the bombing or the bombing will be done to you).

Education: Grammar School (English High School)
University entrance (7 subjects).

(Well educated; intelligent; articulate. English speaker.)

Worked for a Trade Union for FIVE years. Has both belonged to a union and worked for a union. Has seen the inside of negotiating for better conditions for the people. Has first-hand experience of the necessity for compromise and negotiations.

(Understands the importance of having strong unions that work and advocate for the rank and file Life's experiences have taught her the importance of the "fine are of compromise " which, in a partisan political environment is the heart and soul of effective politics.)

Twice married. Two daughters with first husband whom she followed from London surburbs
to live while he was stationed in West Indies and South Africa. Divorced first husband
after 14 years. Obtained full custody of the two girls.

(Put husband ahead of career; loving and responsible mother. Embraces adventure and new experiences. Citizen of the world.  Knows how people life in the third world.)

Worked in London FIVE years as secretary to the president of a chemical company.

(Highly valued worker. Understands from experience the issues of working women.)

Worked for computer company as executive in charge of all women staff.

(Recognized for leadership role and liasson representing female workers.)
(Recognized for her communication skills between top management and workers.)

Met present husband, married and left chemical company to have son.

(Puts family first ahead of career. Knows the importance of being an at-home
mother and dutiful wife. Strong family values.)

Followed second husband whose work took him from Brussels, Belgium, to Bremen, Germany, to Stamford, Connecticut, and finally to Chicago.

(Attracts accomplished business men with international business experience. Dutifully serves as wife to these men and mother of their children.)

Worked as a paralegal for a real estate closings attorney in Trumbull,
Connecticut. Attorney also Chairman of the Democratic Party in Trumball Also
worked with attorney on Trumbal Democratic Party more than SEVEN years.

(Life-long commitment to the ideals of the Democratic Party; Democratic party servant.)

After second husband's Chicago transfer, started own company, teaching & demonstrating
flower arranging and wedding planning. Self-employed 13 years. Retired about 2 years.

(Successful small-business owner; sensitive to and fully knowledgeable on issues unique to
small businesses owners.)

Has lived in Barrington 25 years.

(Stable member of the community. Good neighbor.  Aware of community's priorities and concerns.)

Son graduated Barrington High School is now a policeman on the south side of
Chicago. Son's wife is a teacher in Chicago;

Eldest daughter is a social worker in Connecticut where her husband teaches.

Other daughter is early learning teacher in Connecticut married to an engineer.

(Children are accomplished community servants with very successful marriages.)

Five grandchildren range ages from 18 to almost 4; eldest grandchild is in college
youngest grandchild now in day care

(Very aware of and sensitive to issues affecting working mothers with children. Knows the importance of education for children.  Only with it can our children hope to have better lives than their parents.)

Volunteered at a not for profit group of homes for the elderly – 29 years, first in New
York and then in Brookfield, Illinois. Board member for 10 years and the State
President for 4 years. Organized many fund raisers, oversaw the budget, finances and
ethics. Ran the Board for the 501(c)3 part of the organization. For 4 years was also
on the Home Board which runs the Home.

(Intimately familiar with the concerns and conditions of the aged and the infirm.)

Good Shepherd Hospital volunteer, approximately 4 years. 

(Serves the sick. Knows the importance of HEALTH CARE to local communities.)

Board member of NW Animal League, an organization devoted to lobbying for animal
protection laws. (Loves animals)

(Takes the message of Genesis I, that human beings are to care for the animals of God's
creating, seriously; Knows laws are needed to protect weaker creatures from stronger,
predatory ones who would do them harm. Believes government can offer good and useful
solutions to the practical problems of every day living.)

Election Judge for the last 8 years (now on a sabbatical while running for office).

(Politically active. Knows the nuts and bolts of elections. Knows how to detect voter fraud.)

Melissa Bean campaign worker for 7 years: phoning, mailings, letter writing, fund-raising
committee member, enlisted volunteers, obtained contributions, supported candidate.

(Knows what it takes to win elections. Life-long Democrat, committed to upholding the democratic process and ideals.)

Member of these fund-raising organizations:

Public Citizens, (cares for human beings)

Common Cause, (cares for human beings)

Sierra Club, (cares for the environment)

Audobon Society, (cares for animals)

Defenders of Wildlife, (cares for animals and the environment)

ACLU, (cares for social justice and the American Constitution)

Southern Poverty Law Center, (understands hate groups, hate crimes, prejudice)

The Nature Conservancy, (cares for the environment)

National Parks & National Parks Conservation Association, (environmentalist)

World Wildlife Fund, (environmentalist)

National Wildlife Federation, (environmentalist)

Wilderness Society, (environmentalist)

Paralyzed Veterans of America

(supports the troops and remembers them – AFTER they return crippled by the war: understands full well wars devesating effects bothon innocent citizens, AND on soldiers).

PETA, (animal lover)

Castleton Horse Rescue, (horse lover)

The Assisi Foundation, (devout Christian)

National Law Enforcement Memorial Fund, (law-abiding; respects police)

NAACP, (truly believes in equal rights)

SW Indian Relief Council, (believes in lifting up the impoverished)

Christian Appalachian Project, (follower of the way of Jesus; lives the beatitudes)

Toys4Tots. (cares for children of poor families)

Democratic Party, (DNC), and the DCCC

(Life-long Democrat committed to the ideals of the Democratic Party.)

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